Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obama and McCain agree on something! Gasp!

In regards to immigration policy, both Senators Obama and McCain agree that securing the border should be their top priority. Opposing illegal immigration does not make you a racist. People of all races, religions, and political backgrounds have been coming to this country for over 200 years, and another 200 years or so before we became a country! Even so called "Native Americans" originally made the journey across the land bridge 10,000 years ago from what is now Siberia through Alaska. Immigration created this country. Illegal immigration weakens it.

We need to know who and what is in our country, and who and what's coming into it. Every year, we get billions of dollars worth of drugs smuggled in from Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, and as far away as the Middle East. This causes higher crime rates, deaths from overdose, and creates difficulties for law enforcement resources which are often already spread too thin.

Diseases in other countries are not as well controlled as they are in the United States. Recently the number of cases of tuberculosis in children has increased by 400%. We shouldn't exclude sick immigrants, but if they come here legally, they are more eligible for health benefits that can help them, and prevent the spread of disease. It's not the immigrants' fault, it's their mother countries and their governments that are screwing everyone!

Everyone says, "They're just coming here to get work and have a better life." The truth is, illegal immigrants are often extorted, working slave wages and receiving little or no benefits. Some of them do receive benefits, but don't pay the taxes that fund them, throwing our economy out of whack.

According to the State Association of Hospitals, California's public health system is "on the brink of collapse." In Los Angeles County, patients can wait four days for a hospital bed and up to two years for gallbladder surgery. "The hospitals are closing because of the totality of the uninsured," said Dr. Thomas Garthwaite, director of the Los Angeles County Health Department. "If you're legally a resident in California and you're poor, you have a right to basic services." Overburdened by the uninsured and overwhelmed by illegal immigration, public health care in Los Angeles is on life support. Sixty percent of the county's uninsured patients are not U.S. citizens. More than half are here illegally. About 2 million undocumented aliens in Los Angeles County alone are crowding emergency rooms because they can't afford to see a doctor, or fear of being deported.

If immigrants want to go through the process of becoming a citizen, by all means allow each and every one of them that opportunity. But an open border and millions of undocumented aliens is bad for citizens, bad for immigrants, and bad for our country.

Leadership, my friends, leadership!

What the next president of the United States is going to need, more than anything else, is leadership. If changing your policies for political gain isn't leadership then what is?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

VP Debate: My Take

Here it is, the much anticipated VP debate! I'm personally proud of both candidates, seeing as they stayed more on topic than the presidential nominees. Palin, for overcoming the adversity against her from some rather unflattering interviews, and Biden for not making stupid comments and rambling, as he's been known to.

One thing that did bother me was the dishonesty. Both candidates lied about track records and stats. Do they honestly think the American people are naive enough to not check them on these things? Come on, our forefathers wanted us to question our leaders and candidates. Before you vote, check your facts! It came down to on Biden's side, 10 downright fabrications and 4 or 5 that you could argue about, and with Palin I caught 2. All these can be seen and more on Here's some of the big ones:

On Biden's side:
  • Biden wrongly claimed that McCain had said “he wouldn’t even sit down” with the government of Spain. Actually, McCain didn’t reject a meeting, but simply refused to commit himself one way or the other during an interview.
  • Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.
  • Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.
  • Biden said, “Drill we must.” But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to “raping” the Outer Continental Shelf.”
On Palin's side:
  • She said that troop levels in Iraq were down to pre-surge levels, but she was off by around 3,000 troops
  • Palin wrongly claimed that “millions of small businesses” would see tax increases under Obama’s tax proposals. At most, several hundred thousand business owners would see increases.
I think Palin won this round with charisma, facts, and all around chutzpah. She stayed on topic with the exception of when asked to elaborate on healthcare. My favorite line of the debate? "Say it ain't so, Joe!" if you lie, she'll call you on it!

God Bless America!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sing for change?

Does anyone else find this a bit sickening? School age children, not yet mature enough to really make political choices of their own, singing a song promoting a presidential candidate? These kids range in age from 5-12, do they even know what they're singing about? This reminds me of Mao and Hitler, having little children sing proclaiming their glory.

If he'd selected adults, or even teens, I wouldn't have nearly as big of a problem with this. They're children; they see their teachers, parents and siblings supporting a candidate, and impressionable children will believe whatever they're told to.